
Friday 11 March 2016

Mt. Pulag: A Different Kind of Climb Part I

Climb for A Cause is an event that celebrates love and kindness by reaching out to kids in our own little way. It is an emotional and electrifying adventure as we immersed with the local tribes and scaled Mt. Pullol, Dumli-ing Falls and Mt. Pulag in a four day trip.

Doing an outreach was originally just an optional activity to our planned trek to Mt. Pulag via Ambaguio trail. But with my buddy's dedication to give back as part of her birthday celebration we finally made the outreach our priority to extend some help to the community of Balete, Kayapa making the trek to Mt. Pulag via Ambaguio trail an optional side trip.

Prior to our Climb for a Cause, we ask for voluntary donations from our dear friends.We were overwhelmed of their loving hearts because through them we were able to come up with enough donations to give  the kids.

We also sent some invites to interested individuals to join  us as we travel to the Cordillera to extend help to the kids. Some of our friends volunteered to fulfill our first outreach program.

1st Day  - We all met in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya since participants are coming from different points in Luzon some from Manila, some  from Nueva Vizcaya and Nueva Ecija. It was 4 am  when I first met Paolo, one of the participants, waiting for us  at the agreed meeting place. We went to a nearby restaurant after a short chit-chat to wait for the others to arrive.

The brave few who joined us 

Delays are sometimes an inevitable part of any adventure. We had a first hand experience of it when our contact person for habal-habal came up with the agreed number of riders later than our agreed meeting time. It was already 9 am when the riders were completed. Thus we already expected an adjusted itinerary and possible emergency camp later that day.

Rain started to pour by the time we started our trip to Ambaguio riding in those habal-habal we rented. There was almost zero visibility everywhere because of the fog and rain. So we began to conclude that it would be much more worse by the time we set foot at Mt. Pulag. But still we keep a strong faith and high hopes that we would be given favorable weather along the way.

At the Municipality of Ambaguio, we were welcomed by some officials and registered our names including our personal contacts and number.

The hikers at the municipality of Ambaguio

The weather was horrifying when we landed at Ambaguio with the addition of the wind lashing side by side and its freaking cold. 

A foggy and rainy weather during our ascend

While waiting for our guide, we took the chance to buy supplies and eat for early lunch. Moreover, the cold weather tend to rise from where we at that time, pushing us to take a zip of coffee and have a hot soup.

It was around lunch time when our guide showed up with his face full of guilt because he was late.  He sincerely kept apologizing to us and we simply tap his shoulder and assured  him that our stay in Ambaguio while waiting for him is already a part of our adventure.

We started our hike from Ambaguio Municipal hall to the jump-off of Mt. Pullol. The weather worsen as we tackle the trail up to our first mountain that one of my friends already seemed to give up. But our fellow trekkers reminded him about the greatness of the trek and its reward once done.

One of our stops at the lower part of Mt. Pullol

Reaching the junction to the summit and the way down to (Upper Napu), I decided to be in charge of their heavy packs while the rest of the team continued the assault to Mt. Pullol's peak. Their time going up and trailing back to where they left me and their packs gave me an idle time. I got bored at some point but I felt fulfilled when I saw them came back with smiles in their faces.

Continuing our descent we experienced a hella difficult trail merely because of the severe weather condition at that time.Even the spike of my shoe gave up.. The trail going down is slippery  so we have to hold on to each other and depend on the roots of the trees. The descent became more difficult when the night came , trekking into the darkness until our arrival at our emergency-camp area. I  arrived at our emergency-camp barefoot and had to fixed my shoes that night to be able to continue the journey the next day. 

E-camp area at Haday Village

It was a night of rest and recharge of energy as we gathered at one of the daycare of Sitio Haday in Ambaguio reflecting about thatrecent defying experience we had for the day. Some had a good rest while others mend the pain by taking booze.

Haday Village to Balete
2nd Day - We woke up the next morning to find several kids loitering around our emergency campsite. It wasn't a surprise though to see them since the establishment where we camped is a daycare center. They were peeping through the wall curious about us. They were very shy at first but when they got comfortable with us we gave them food, school supplies and clothes.

 The children of Haday Village

The weather was still unpredictable  and it was still raining that morning  so we gathered for a while and had a brief conversation with the locals including the kids. People there were naturally shy yet so kind that they gave us camote in exchange of our gifts to them.

Some of the locals of Haday Village including our guide - kuya Ramirez

We continued the journey to Balete, Kayapa despite the gloomy weather. On the course of the journey, we were serenaded by the river as we passed by the Haday bridge. It was the resounding sound of the river that elevated our hope added by the dramatic entrance of fog besieging our surroundings as we scale the slippery and ascending trail to Balete.

The Haday bridges

Haday River

We were worried about the weather getting worse on the second day so we focused on covering as many kilometers as possible, trekking at our own paces, and regrouping every now and then to discuss about dinner plans already which showed how hungry we already were at that time. 

Fog covering the mountain ranges as seen from where we stand

There were mix emotions and opinions about trekking at that rainy weather condition. Some were thankful that it wasn't that hot and some were dismayed probably because it was too foggy and they cannot see the beautiful landscape around. But in the end we all concluded that no matter what we should complete the mission we started.

One of the many bridges that will be passed through when scaling Ambaguio Trail

We had our late lunch at one of the homestead we passed which happens to be the house of our guide's brother. It was an Igorot house which promulgates simplicity and originality where we enjoyed our lunch, coffee and everyone's company.

Upon reaching Upper Napo, we were able to meet some children hanging around and playing at the road. We caught them hiding and watching us as we descend at the lower part of Napo. Hence, they smiled at us when we passed at their hiding area and able to talk and took pictures with them. 

The children riding on their wooden made vehicle

Accidents can happen especially during a rainy trek where the trails are slippery. Just few hours before reaching Balete my buddy slipped down and wounded her palm. It was a good thing that we always have the first aid kit ready in our packs so we were able to treat it before tackling the remaining kilometers of the trail.

The road to Balete, Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya

Lower Napo

Little did we know that the children patiently waited for us even after their classes. Their little voices serenaded us with a song as a welcome to us after we were introduced by the Barangay officials and teachers.

The children who waited for us

Our team distributed the gifts to each kid that were present. We had small talks as well with their parents and teachers. The gifts made the kids smile and those smiles and giggles is our happy reward. For us seeing those kids happy was already mission accomplished. Here are some of the pictures:

Balete to Dumli-ing Falls
It was already 5 pm when we descend to Dumli-ing falls after our outreach activity accompanied by some locals and Barangay Officials. Scaling through the route surrounded by fog which lead to a more dramatic entrance to the falls so my friend hurriedly walk just to witness the beautiful falls. 

Everyone was starstrucked upon their first glimpse of Dumli-ing falls from afar. All I heard were "wow", "ang ganda!" in a surprised tone.  They were awed by its beauty.

The hikers and the falls

The viewpoint which is few meters away from the basin was as near as we could be to the falls. Swimming is not ideal because of the strong current coming from an almost a hundred meters drop of the water above. We took pictures and stayed a little longer despite the press for time just to enjoy that awesome moment. Eventually we decided to go back to the village before dark and little did we know that night was going to be one memorable experience.

The Night of Celebration
We  rested and tidy up after we arrived at the Barangay Hall. We were told to come back after we clean ourselves to dine with the people and have a little chit-chat activity. That night was full of surprises, there was a great interaction among my friends and the villagers lead by their Barangay officials.– We introduced ourselves and shared our insights about their community and the falls. Afterwards, we dine with the people and took a booze as we continued our talk with the officials about the possible ways on how to improve tourism. We were also able to share some suggestions to them which they gladly appreciated.

Socials with the locals and Barangay Officials of Balete

It was a spur-of-the-moment that we were invited to dance with the locals as a celebration of my buddy's birthday. The dance was suggested by the teachers and was seconded by the barangay officials. We found ourselves dancing the night away and enjoying every moment of that privilege given to us to dance one of their traditional dances called Tayaw. Being a Kalanguya myself, I didn't have a hard time dancing to the beat of gongs and bass around  the bonfire. 

A dance (tayaw) with the locals

As much as we wanted the stay up late and enjoy the night, we couldn't because we have to rest to continue our journey to Mt. Pulag. We ended the night thanking them endlessly and saying our goodnights. Indeed that was a memorable night for us. 

|| End


  1. This must be an enriching and inspiring experience.

  2. Yes. It was also one of our memorable hiking experience that will be cherished forever. :)
