
Friday 28 November 2014

Mt. Maranat | Dayhike Climb Part II

It was my second time around hiking the Mt. Maranat with my colleagues – Christian, MJ and Joan. 

 The Maranat falls and the campsite area

Sunday 2 November 2014

Capones Island | The Lighthouse

The nearest island to Mt. Pundaquit with a travel time of 20 - 30 minutes where the Lighthouse is located. 

Saturday 1 November 2014

Anawangin Cove

The word Anawangin comes from the Ilocano word nuang, which means carabao. Wild carabaos roam the area and this could prove a scary sight for the uninitiated. This is the reason why even experienced mountaineers hire a guide when going up Mt. Anawangin.