
Sunday 28 December 2014

Mapalyao Falls | How to get there

The falls is located at San Juan, Buliwao, Quezon, Nueva Vizcaya.

How to get there
From Solano, Nueva Vizcaya, take a tricycle ride going to Buliwao, Caliat, Baresbes and Maddiangat at the back of Aldergate College and tell to the driver that you will be going to Mapalyao falls so that they will dropped you to the Bridge of San Juan (Jump off point) where the hike begin. Traveling the Mapalyao falls, you will be able to passed-by the barangay Maddiangat heading to barangay Baresbes. Then, you will enter to the left route after passing the bridge reaching the 2nd bridge of Sitio San Juan in Barangay Buliwao.

In case you will not able find the line of tricycles park at the back of Aldersgate College, you may ask or inquire some locals in Solano on how to go to Mapalyao falls, they might give you some direction and tips on how to get there.

The tricycle fare going to Mapalyao falls is P20/head.  

There is available store along the way and near the falls.

The hike from San Juan Bridge to Mapalyao falls is around 45 minutes to 1 hour. The trail is broad and easy to hike with a minor difficulty, most of the trail is cemented, tricyclemotors and small vehicles will do until the jump off point. 

During rainy days the road can be muddy and slippery, be careful.

The group hiking to the falls

 A scenic view of mountain and farm along the trail

 The trails can be muddy during rainy days
Upon reaching the starting point, you have to pass through a hanging bridge to get to the falls.

 The bridge and the falls down

Mapalyao Falls
A short drop (3m) falls but with a strong current and a large pool for swimmers and picnickers to enjoy.

 You will be able to see a signboard before setting foot to the bridge.

The Mapalyao Falls signboard

Then, you will pass through the bridge and able to reach the falls. The falls has rocky steeps and it is slippery, be forwarded.

The falls has a strong current during our visit due to large amount of landfall

There is also a large pool at the top of the falls, approximately four to six feet deep. 

 A far view of the large pool and another falls

 The large pool

If you want to sneak arroud, you will observe that there are a presences of big rocks surrounding the falls, try to roam around and you’ll see.

Some big rocks out there

Seems like a couple rocks with a small rock between them

One thing to enjoy is jumping-off the falls, try it. 

 A Reminder
"The Mountaineer's Creed" which can be applied by visitor/s that will serve as a reminder in visiting the falls:
          - Kill Nothing but Time.
          - Take Nothing but Picture.
          - Leave Nothing but Footprints.

Let us all be guided accordingly and enjoy visiting the Mapalyao falls. ||End

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