
Sunday 17 September 2017

Am-among Trail Run

Am-among Trail Run 2017 is a joint program of the local government of Bontoc and Tawid Multi Sports team. The main event of the race is a 35km route with a 3000+ meters of elevation gain which showcases scenic spots of their mountains. Alongside categories are the 25km and 12km race distances.

For the love of the Cordilleras, I along with some friends eagerly grab the opportunity to travel and run in Bontoc. 

Maan and Jerald

Briefing Day
Though the race briefing schedule is not until Saturday late afternoon, we left Manila early Friday night because we were more excited with the fact that it was after all a fiesta that we would visit. And we all know how Filipinos celebrates fiestas don’t we? Hehe!

We were lucky to be early in our home-stay that  was just in-front of the gym where all the events were happening that time. There were a lot of people including us who enjoyed the ethnic dances performances from different tribes in the Cordilleras, children games, volleyball games and the overflowing food! It was indeed like one of the legit fiestas we once have back in the days – full of tradition and culture, fun! I almost forgot we were there for some suffering…I mean running. Haha! 

Race briefing came. Familiar faces were quite rare that time since we only just started trail running, but sure Ms. Sandi Menchi’s who just got back from her UTMB-TDS journey was very recognizable. We were just star struck and shy to ask if we could have pictures together with her. 

RDs of Am-among Trail Run: Prudence and Roland 

Bib Claiming

Race Day
Cold winds yet with clear skies started our race day. I was oblivious of the challenges for the 35km category I am in and the runners I’ll be running with yet my heart was heavily pounding that time which clearly indicated I’m normal. Lols. We felt welcomed and supported since the kind mayor of Bontoc was there that early checking if support teams were ready while having chit chats with the runners. 

(On a side note, how I wish local communities, trail running organizers and trail runners would have this efficient mutual support. If that’s the case,all parties mentioned and involved will benefit then. Oh, what a wonderful world it could be, right.)

Honorable Mayor giving his speech

After the Mayor delivered his short inspirational speech the race commence with running a two kilometer pavement up to a bridge where the trail head starts.  We didn’t have any scouting done in the route prior the race. But looking from afar where the trail is clearly visible I resisted running too early and instead reserved my energy for the uphill climbs. True enough, the only flat area in the first mountain, Mt.Kamaliton is the summit! 

The Runners at the starting line

The long uphills had been bearable since I had the chance to share the pain with some runners in the lead pack. One of them was Benzon, a youth from Ifugao. We were together for almost 20km helping one another and chatting to get the kilometers out of our minds. He really is a tough kid finishing the race as a champion with just a worn-out rubber shoes and no socks on. 

The beautiful Mt. Kamaliton

After two mountains crossed was a short downhill and flat segment to an aid station going to the mountain where the Blue Hill is located. We took our time and take as much food as we can for we knew it was going to be another long uphill battle towards Kaman-utek. 

The u-turn for the 35km runners was located in the famous blue hill but upon reaching it I forgot to take picture because I was adrenaline filled wanting to cope up with the lead. It was a decent amount of downhill segment on the latter part of the race. And then the most difficult part of the whole race came when we had to climb up the 1000+ steep stairs! Even the leads and the local runners who are use to that kind of terrain were having cramps. At that point it was just pure camaraderie that manifested among the lead team helping out each other just to finish the climb. 

Candid shot at the bridge going back to Finish line

It really feels a 3000+ elevation feels and truly Bontoc mountains are no joke. It was only after the hardest climb that the real competition began when it was the last downhill segment towards the finish line. I am glad to be the fourth finisher overall for my category. 

Elevation Profile

Thanks to all people of Bontoc for showcasing your culture and for the warmth welcome, race organizers, marshalls, and Volunteers. Grateful for the never ending support of my buddy, Maan. Also to my Mt.CCPRunners headed by Coach Jeremy and to big Bro.

Top 5 runners along with Honorable Mayor (Far Left): Jules, Dennis, Jomar, Jeffrey, and Benzon


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